Bộ cách ly tín hiệu MTL5510
Thông số kỹ thuật bộ cách ly tín hiệu MTL MTL5510
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MTL5510 – Switch/Proximity detector interface
4-channel, digital input and multifunction modules
These digital modules provide solid state output switches in a safe area that respond to switches (inputs) located in a hazardous area. The way they respond – their “mode” – can be configured using a bank of four DIL selector switches accessible through the side of the module
Model MTL5510 has an one output channel for each input channel and the user can revers the output phase if necessary to suit the application. Model MTL5510B has more varied modes that can, for example, enable one input to affect multiple outputs or create latched outputs, etc.) The channel output transistors – Ch1/Ch2 and Ch3/Ch4 – share a common terminal and can switch +ve or –ve polarity signals.